
the concept of "nation" is anachronistic!

The idea of "nation" is one of the greatest obstacles for progress and the solving of global problems today. although there are other ideas in history that have done a lot of harm, e.g. communism, or racism, nowadays we face a more and more globalized world in which the national thinking is as widespread as ever, nearly everyone in the world consciously or inconsciously thinking in national terms. This is counterproductive.

How can global problems such as poverty or pollution of the environment be solved, if every nation-state fights for their own interests? One effect is that all nation-states tend to lower their taxes for the wealthy and the industry and destroy their own welfare systems, because they are competing with other nation-states for highly mobile big business. Unfair subventions in industrialized states, prevention of mobility and migration for the poor.

The way the world is ruled today is not democratic. We need democratic world institutions.

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