
Microsoft stripping us of our rights again

This is ridiculous. Microsoft is completely paranoid. Why should I not be allowed to use MS Office on the LSE Network when controlling/viewing it remotely, although I am allowed to do so when I'm controlling/viewing it from a PC on campus? This makes no sense at all.

I also don't understand why LSE doesn't use and endorse Openoffice.org. I don't see where it is inferior to MS Office, and it certainly is superior to MS Office 2003.

Note the typical rhetoric: "not permitted", "possession", "own", "purchase", "MUST NOT".


Negotiations May Lead to Mugabe’s Exit in Zimbabwe

HARARE, Zimbabwe — The opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai is in talks with advisers to President Robert G. Mugabe of Zimbabwe, amid signs that some of those close to Mr. Mugabe may encourage him to resign, a Western diplomat and a prominent Zimbabwe political analyst said Tuesday. The negotiations about a possible transfer of power away from Mr. Mugabe began after he apparently concluded that a runoff election would be demeaning, a diplomat said. [full story (New York Times)]